Dear Santa,
The Senator here. I been somewhat good this year. I mean you would go crazy too if Pookie and Ray Ray kept going nuts during the year. That being said I've got a simple wish list for Christmas.

First, I've shot some pretty good stories with a good group of reporters. So please can you send some 1st Place AP Awards this way. After that we can talk Murrow's, Emmys, so on and so on.

Next on the list. Beyonce and Shakira. Yeah you know what I'm talking about you've seen the video of them together. I bet you had to make sure the Mrs. wasn't around. After the awards and the ladies, we're going to have to celebrate and I'll need money for that. So for my third wish how about the winning Powerball numbers. I would like the 300 million dollar payday but I can live off the 25 million up for grabs. Finally Santa.....

I'm with America's Team so let me have the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Again you know what I'm talking about. Why do think they have the hole in the roof so you can get in and get out. That's what I'm wishing for Santa. Oh, and peace on earth and good will towards man. Thanks.
Sen. R. Hollins
Government Street District
how about wishing for some real cameras for the rest of us, since you've been good and all?
happy christmahaunakwanzakas
Senator Hollins,
May I respectfully request that the Jolly Old Elf bring us renewed gift cards to Ruth's Chris? Maybe even the Gold Club as well?
Perhaps even some free American Airlines tickets for you, Senator, so you may see your beloved Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders in person.
May all your committee meetings be short in '08.
Russell Drewry
Senator, North Rampart Street District
P.S. Happy Festivus ("Festivus" for the rest-of-us)
We may have to call an executive session to review that video. It looks as if it would be detrimental to the workflow here at the Phallus Palace, but might even make the building itself stand a little taller.
If you get any of those wishes, I'd call it a Festivus Miracle, did you know?
Mike Sellers
Senator, Highland Road District
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