Saturday, June 28, 2008

Nice Photo.

Can't expect the Fuzz to do all of the work for the Forum. Sometimes you just have to point and shoot. Big thanks to my buddy Mark for getting this one of me and the Street Beat. Two things that surprise me about this photo.One, that they let the Beat back in the Gov.'s Mansion. And two that I didn't break the camera. Good thing my hair was combed, did you know?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

DESTINATION: Omaha - The Final Day

Yes, yes, I know. It's not how it was suppose to end.
There was still life in the Purple & Gold. There was suppose to be one more miracle to be pulled off.
But it didn't happen. As the air was being sucked out of the building the faithful began showing signs of shock as reality was starting to set in. But let me take this time to ask you not to think about what might have been. As an alternative, let me ask you to think about what was.
Four years ago, this place was a distant memory. Three years ago the Baseball program wasn't on the radar. The program wasn't even relevant. Just five months ago the season seemed to be heading back into obscurity. The team was second to last in the conference. There were no thoughts of playing in the conference tournament let alone playing in the post season. Then something special happened.
A 23 game winning streak restored hope. Wins in the Regional and Super Regional conjured up memories of past success. Only one thing left to do, head up to Corn Husker Country and show the nation that LSU Baseball was back in the spotlight.
But this was more than filling the seats or appealing the fans with an autograph.
It was about bringing smiles to a children's faces.
It was about a team coming together not just to win a National Championship but to help bring a slice heaven to a family that went through a tough time.
It was about just enjoying the moment since tomorrow isn't promised to anyone.
And that's what I did. I've seen this place on TV for years. I remember '96 when Warren Morris hit that 3 Run, 2 Out, Bottom of the 9th Home Run to win the game and the title. I remember 2000 when LSU pulled off 3 unanswered runs against Stanford to win their 5th National Championship. JV and Winfery told me about this place. They told me that it's completely different when you are there in person. Man were they right.
From following the team around from practice to the games, to figuring out ways to keep all our video in order, to eating one of the best steaks in the country, and meeting some coolest people around. I enjoyed every second. And no matter if it was you first time there or you 100th pilgrimage I'm hoping that everyone did the same.
Am I upset that they lost the game, yeah a little. Will that dim the experience, not a chance.
I'm thankful they took me along for the ride. It's a good thing that we're heading home. We may have to start paying resident taxes pretty soon. As for the faithful remember there's always next year and maybe I'll be there to enjoy it too, did you know?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

DESTINATION: Omaha - Day 8

All was going well in Corn Husker Country. That was until.....
..... the rain came pouring down. Nothing but nice sunny skies, low humidity, temperatures stayed in the middle to upper 70's, then this.
People find anything to keep the rain from soaking what little they had on.

As for any good lens jockey there isn't a shot that we won't take to help tell the story. But there is only so much before cabin fever starts setting in.
Quick check of the radar and this stuff is going nowhere fast. Now we are getting a little nervous. But I don't know what's worse sports guys trying to entertain themselves.
Or the sports guys trying to play weather forecaster.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

DESTINATION: Omaha - Day 7

What's up everyone. After yesterday's marathon it was time to take it easy. Both the team and us. An early 10am practice was followed by a visit to the Omaha Zoo, located behind right field. Afterwards the the team went to a local children's hospital to bring some smiles to some young faces. Because of time we couldn't tag along for the hospital visit.

As for us, we were able to get done early. Thus making tonight the long awaited Steak Night in Omaha. We found a local place and your truly ordered his first Whiskey Porter House with a Baked Potato. That was some good eating. Now time to get some sleep. One thing to expect from LSU is the unexpected, did you know?

DESTINATION: Omaha - Day 6

Sorry this post is late. Day 6 in the Land of Corn was emotionally draining. Facing elimination and staring a six game losing streak dead in the eye LSU pulled off yet another miracle.

But let's be honest, were you expecting something else. They were written off during the middle of the season. Then a 23 game win streak changed that. In the Super Regional, with 3 outs to spare, they came from behind to win game 2 against UC Irvine later winning the series punching their ticket to Omaha.

But last night on national television they were written off by the broadcasting crew. Downstairs in the feed room members of the media started planning their the summer vacation. While others started the countdown to football season. And of course with the infamous "Doucet Curse" rearing it's ugly head doom was imminent. Then before our eyes it happens.

Bottom of 9th, a walk off game winning 3 run double. LSU wins, LSU survives. So long losing streak there is more baseball to play in the Mecca.The fans are loving it. They don't want to go home just yet mainly because the weather is brutal back in the Big Raggedy right now. Omaha is loving it because the Purple & Gold faithful will spend more of the "Mon - ay".

As for my peers in the media, don't make the vacation plans just yet, did you know?

Monday, June 16, 2008

DESTINATION: Omaha - Day 5

It takes a lot to do continuing coverage at the CWS. Satellite trucks, booking time on those flying dishes, staying cool with looming deadlines, lots of water because of all the running around. But probable the most important thing you will need for this are.........TAPES. Lots and lots of tapes. Since you can't shoot the game, tapes are a valuable commodity. You have to beg you for an extra allotment and hope that it is enough to make it through a possible two week run.
I miss those things from time to time but I've got my own headaches.
Like making sure the computer doesn't decide to take an unexpected break. Or that all of the video you captured won't disappear for some unexplained reason. So far so good. Looks like we'll finish early. Time to enjoy the down time. I wonder who else is wandering around Corn Husker Country? Look who we found. Yes that's ESPN'S Erin Andrews. It pays to get done early you never know who's going to show up.

DESTINATION: Omaha - Day 4

Omaha is the place to be for the best in College Baseball. The destination is common, the path in getting here is different. Such the case for Logan McCarty. It was just last week that young Logan was enjoying the last weekend at The Box. It was just last week that he was enjoying that time with his father. It was just last week that his father left this place. Enjoying his true passion, Curt McCarty passed away from a heart attack. At time where fans should be enjoying the team's success, Logan and his mom, Marilyn, had to bury their treasured love one.

Word got to us of this sad moment in time. A devoted fan and father falling ill and passing away at a baseball game. You might think that this isn't a story. But a father's wish made it a memorable one. Before the game, Curt told Logan of plans he had for them if the team should win. "He said he wanted to take me to Omaha to watch the Tigers."

Now we got the word and told of a father's love for his son and his Tigers. That got to the Baseball team. Almost immediately plans went into work to bring Logan, his mom, & best friend to the Mecca of College baseball. Travel arrangements were made, a hotel room booked, and tickets were found for a once in a lifetime trip. A community of family, friends, and strangers coming together to ease the pain of a grieving family.

It's strange how tragedy brings people together. Makes me believe there's still some good in this world after all.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Hey everyone. I just want to wish my dad and all of the dads around the world a Happy Father's Day. Enjoy it, thank you for help molding us into the men and women we are today. And for those dads in the Armed Forces thank you again for making our country safe. Again, Happy Father's Day to all.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

DESTINATION: Omaha - Day 3

We have reached Day 3 in the Land of Corn and you would think that the team would be getting a little restless. Not the case. The players took in a couple of innings during the first game. Experience just a little of the atmosphere of this place and then off to work. They won't hit the field until Sunday evening. What about the fans you ask?It's been four years since they took over Corn Husker Country. They are just soaking it up as well. So far the happiest people in Omaha are all of the business owners. They know the Purple & Gold faithful like to travel as well as spend large sums of the "mon - ay".As for us, we know the game is coming. And we know the madness of getting post game, meeting deadlines, and stay calm during the live shot with thousands of fans nearby, yes we know that it's coming.So we just better take it easy, and enjoy the calm before the storm.

Friday, June 13, 2008

DESTINATION: Omaha - Day 2

So this is the Mecca of College Baseball. The place where legends are made and champions are crowned. LSU maybe familiar with this place but it's all new to me.
As I partake in the surrounds I remind myself not to get hit by any wild baseballs. It's one thing to take a hit from some running back being knocked into you my a linebacker. It another to get a fastball coming out of nowhere beaning you in the head or any other part of the body.
No point in getting put on the DL. I don't think we have any more photographers to spare. Now on to more pressing matters like finding a good steak house.

It's All About The "Mon - ay"

It seems that the members at the Phallus Palace are causing quite a stir. The talk of moving forward with an enormous pay hike is not sitting well with the constituents of the Bayou State. As I suggested in a previous post, ask Gov. Wunderkind to stop calling all of the special sessions. Good thing the Ways & Means to Make TV Interesting is keeping a close eye on this.

And since we couldn't get the Live Shot Prohibition Act passed, I wonder how I should vote on this one? Sena-turd please keep me posted on this, did you know?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

DESTINATION: Omaha - Day 1 pt 2 "Got To Find The Net"

Getting the team arriving for the CWS, No problem. Finding a good shot of fans excited to meet their Tigers that's easy.

I got a bad feeling something is going to happen and I hate when I'm right. Turns out that connection speeds vary from place to place and here's no different. Editing for the late show time to send it back, connection is to slow. What do we, find a Starbucks. They usually have a decent connection. Traveled with the the Hot Blooded Frenchy Doucet and no luck. No mocha latte to be found let alone an Internet hook up. Crap. Back to the hotel.

We find the GM of the place and explain the situation. He happy to help. We find a connection and start feeding. The effort was there the time wasn't. Couldn't get out stuff on for the late show. Am I upset, yeah, but I'm more concerned that I let my peeps at the Raggedy down. So I remind myself that I can't worry about things beyond my control and that I'll make it up to them. Other than that so far so good in Corn Husker Country.

Now if you'll excuse me, need to archive our video and get ready for Day 2.

DESTINATION: Omaha - Day 1 pt 1

As the quest for the 6th National Championship continues for the Purple and Gold first things first... we have to get there. That meant an early wake up call. Up at four to finish packing, on the road at six to the Big Easy for the flight, and off the ground & in the air for nine. The only thing that bothered me was the 10 bucks I shelled out for a breakfast sandwich and a bottle of milk. Damn airport food. Gotta do better when we get back on Earth.
Gonna leave the driving to Ol Frenchy. But there is a rule I follow, if you drive you pick the music. Nothing but 80s music on the way to Omaha. Thank God he kept the singing to a minimum. At least we found a good BBQ joint. I had the ribs and smoked turkey pretty good. Much better than breakfast.
Traffic was next to nothing. Must have caught them before rush hour.
Omaha. I heard about this place for years. No time for sight seeing. Find the hotel and wait for the team to show up. Now the real "fun" begins.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Me??? Omaha????

After 70 years, Alex Box has officially closed it's doors. If you got to go, go in style and that's what the ball park did. But the games continue. Now the Purple and Gold play on for the Grand Prize, the National Championship in Omaha.
Now they haven't been there in four years and they haven't won a game there since winning it all in 2000. There is also another factor, Jacques Doucet. Now don't get me wrong Jacques is good person, knows his sports as well as his 80's music. But it seems like the team that he covers for the Big Raggedy is cursed. They show up, he shows up and it's a disaster waiting to happen. So he is asking for some help.
Therefore they are coming to me. I just found out that yours truly will be making the trip to Cornhusker Country. There is a small connection involving me and the last championship. They must want another title in the worst way. So with legislative powers bestowed upon me I am naming Sena-turd as acting chair of the Ways and Means to Make TV Interesting Committee. Now I must begin to make preparations for the upcoming trip but fear not to Forum will be up and running, did you know?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Return to Phallus Palace

As I stare into the distance with Fuzzy Mic in hand & Camera at my side. I could only sense that something was coming up in the Phallus Place. With the Turdpolisher on another assignment and X RAY TED taking some needed time off it was up to the Ol' Senator to deliver. Earlier C-Line and Meeks discovered that a vote of financial importance was to make it's way into the upper chamber known as the Senate floor. Turns out the some of the lawmakers want more money for the work that is done in the hallowed halls. Here's an idea, tell the Gov. to stop calling all of these special sessions then we would NOT have to be here for nine months out of the year.
Anyway the vote comes down, 20 to 16. Talk about close. Thought there might be some heated debate but when it's about the "mon-ay" they'll take it no matter the situation, did you know? Our work is just getting started. Get the pictures of the Upper chamber back to the Big Raggedy and get C-Line ready for the live shot. Now where did I put my Fuzzy?
There it is. Gotta do something to deal with those mosquitoes, did you know?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Only the Fat Man in the red suit can go up and down a chimney at any given time. Unfortunately he's at the North Pole not in the 90 plus degree heat of the BigRaggedy. Looks like X RAY TED found something good today. Turns out the Santa wannabe got more than he can handle for this one.
What could be his motivation for doing this. Money? Food? My vote is for just plain stupidity. I didn't want to issue a Schmuck Alert since I'm not too familiar with the parameters. So Slinger if you are reading let me know if he deserves to be considered for Schmuck of the Year award.