Word got to us of this sad moment in time. A devoted fan and father falling ill and passing away at a baseball game. You might think that this isn't a story. But a father's wish made it a memorable one. Before the game, Curt told Logan of plans he had for them if the team should win. "He said he wanted to take me to Omaha to watch the Tigers."
Now we got the word and told of a father's love for his son and his Tigers. That got to the Baseball team. Almost immediately plans went into work to bring Logan, his mom, & best friend to the Mecca of College baseball. Travel arrangements were made, a hotel room booked, and tickets were found for a once in a lifetime trip. A community of family, friends, and strangers coming together to ease the pain of a grieving family.
It's strange how tragedy brings people together. Makes me believe there's still some good in this world after all.
Hey now-if your gonna blog about my family get the name right!
It's McCarty...not McCarthy...otherwise, treat them right and carry on! :)
-The Nubian Princess
Sorry about that. I've made the changes. They speak very highly of you NP, did you know?
they're a great bunch!
i don't know how they're staying so strong - but i'm glad our paths crossed!
Enjoy Omaha...bring us some corn back!
-The NP
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