As the quest for the 6th National Championship continues for the Purple and Gold first things first... we have to get there. That meant an early wake up call. Up at four to finish packing, on the road at six to the Big Easy for the flight, and off the ground & in the air for nine. The only thing that bothered me was the 10 bucks I shelled out for a breakfast sandwich and a bottle of milk. Damn airport food. Gotta do better when we get back on Earth.

Gonna leave the driving to Ol Frenchy. But there is a rule I follow, if you drive you pick the music. Nothing but 80s music on the way to Omaha. Thank God he kept the singing to a minimum. At least we found a good BBQ joint. I had the ribs and smoked turkey pretty good. Much better than breakfast.

Traffic was next to nothing. Must have caught them before rush hour.

Omaha. I heard about this place for years. No time for sight seeing. Find the hotel and wait for the team to show up. Now the real "fun" begins.
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