I see why Garfield the cat hates Mondays. It's a good thing he doesn't work in television news.

The alleged second suspect in the July 4th shooting at the Levee decides to turn himself after lunch. Lunch what's that???? Anyway, evidence is linking him to the crime. As he walked out he, like most who are caught by law enforcement, proclaims his innocence. We'll let the Legal System run it's course but for now he makes it on the early newscasts. I get back and my lovely assignment editor tells me to hurry and get your stuff in the system then head to Jetson Correctional in the Live Truck. This can't be good.

Turns out I was right. Two of the current residents there decide that that don't want to hang out in the youth facility anymore. So after watching too much TV they decide to scale a fence, covered in barb wire, and run off to the woods. This now cause a manhunt involving more of the boys in blue.

With the madness going on I get some pictures while Ms. KN is gathering as much info as she cans. Call comes in, "Hey can we get a VO and sound for the 5pm". Just one problem, nobody can go on camera with this. Another call comes, "We want to go live for the shows". I knew that was coming. So no problem get the video back do a couple of live shots and put Monday in cruise control, right? No.

After the live shot, we get the someone to talk to us for the 10pm story. When we get back, "We need to send you somewhere". I'm thinking when is this going to end. Turns out while I was on the north side, someone wanted to use the drive thru at a check cashing place. Just one problem, there was no drive thru. This person drives into the building destroying the front door and a couple windows. With my luck the car was out by the time I got to the scene and the driver is begging me not to put them on television. I think you other things to worry about like the increasing insurance premium coming you way.

At least I don't have to clean this up. Time to go back to the station. Edit the 10pm story and call it a day. Not by a long shot. Some more breaking news is happening during the newscast. Oh well just another Monday, one down and four to go.
Nice post, but I have to send it to conference committee, because you didn't shoot the walk from the ground, did you know?
Sorry had to to a little cleaning. I will await the conference committee report and move to have them approved on the Senate floor, did you know?
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