With Cabela's opening last week, and doing quite well from what I hear, the folks at Bass Pro are praying that no one forgets about them. The store is scheduled to open early next year but should have opened much sooner. After numerous petitions, countless court battles, and store owners claiming unfair competition. Bass Pro suits invited us to tour the store.

With the producers needing something to fill the newscasts, Tyana and I are sent to the Free State to check out the progress. Right now the store is nothing but concrete and metal beams. It's up to over 100 workers to get things going. Evey nail, ever screw, ever piece of wood has to be up to in order to make sure the Bass Pro lawyer's fight won't go in vain.

Our guide informs us that this place will have a number of special attractions.
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I saw the story when it aired, and thought the same thing when it was originally assigned to me. Great work. You really made it sing.
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