I first encountered JV while I was in school, not knowing what aspect of the industry I wanted to pursue. Would you believe one of the first things he taught me was how to hold the microphone to get the best sound from your interview.
Eight years later our paths crossed again. I was young and still without a clue on what I was doing and he was one of the ones that helped get my career going. There are a bunch of stories I could tell about James. One of my favorites was in 2004. We had to go to Montgomery, AL for the Southern/AL State football game. The conditions weren't ideal. It was hot as sin, there was no room on the field to move so you had to be careful not to trip over any players on the sideline, and The Jags were getting pounded by 21 points late in the third quarter. Then State's starting QB gets knocked out of the game. James comes up to and says, "Be ready. Southern is going to win this game". The heat must be getting to me, did James just tell me that Southern was going to come back and win this game after getting the tar kicked out of them at the start. I brush it off. I'm hot and tired. I just want this game to end and go to bed. All of sudden, the comeback was on. The Jags score 28 unanswered completing one of the greatest comeback in school history. I thinking to myself how did JV know this and please let me have all of the TD's on tape.
Before he leaves for the ATL he filed one last report.

JV is good people. He'll be missed, especially when the conversation turns to that one topic.
I know this , he throws one hell of a good bachelor party !!!!!!
Yes he will be missed alot. It feels weird seeing him leave after all this time.
I know we all wish him luck though.
Chris Aaron
"Tip the ladies." Oh God what a night!!!! DD
Hey D
You will be happy to know that I lost all the pictures that were took. My computer crashed and they are history.
But I still got the video :)
Chris A
Since I completly deny what happend on one of those pictures, may I say I am relieved!! It was the strawberry not something else!! DD
James, congrats on the new job. I hope it goes well for you.
Congrats on moving up to the big time. Sorry I missed that bachelor party!!
Best of luck in the new job.
Marvin McGraw
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