A couple of things I learned in this business, if you finish your main assignment early something will happen. And 9 times out of 10, nothing good will happen around Plank and one of the Indian Streets.

This leads me to tonight. Call comes out over the scanner that someone has been shot. Plank and Ontario is the location and my 10pm story is in the can. Time to check this one out and see if it is worth anything.

Turns out that Shortie Tim, one of Pookie and Ray Ray's friends, tries to rob someone at gunpoint. Things don't go as plan and he ends up shooting the guy in the arm. He's expected to recover. I go ahead and roll off a pictures for the morning crew. Just a little something new for them.

As the CSI is marking the crime scene I noticed something on the ground. With the aid of my trusty lens and watching countless CSI marathons, I see a take out container on the ground. It appears to be from a local institution know for it's famous "Knuckle Sucking" cuisine. I'm talking about the Chicken Shack just right up the road.

A motive, a strange one, but a motive nonetheless. Now there are other things to wild over. Maybe some Ruth Chris. Or how about Dreamland, that's the stuff. How often do you get those ribs man I wish they were still in town. My only conclusion is that Shortie Tim was hungry, smelled the chicken, and just went nuts. Case solved. Now time to go watch CSI on the DVR.
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