Has it really been a year since it happened? Since the Gulf Region was turned on its ear because of one game? Has it been that long since a majority of the staff was dispatched to South Beach? A place of sand and surf. Fast cars and faster women. Unique culture to go with unique people. Reporters and photographers from all corners of the globe, with ranking members of the Big Raggedy among them, converging on the most watched sporting event in the world.

Has it been that long since the rest of us had to deal with the mass hysteria here? With every story in every newscast revolving around what was going on at a beach thousand miles away from the capital city. With sales of Black and Gold merchandise flying off the shelves. Has it been that long since the sports bars were crammed to capacity? Has it been that long she tied the knot with her future husband? I sure hope he hasn’t forgotten his wedding anniversary?

Has it been that long since the aftermath? Since the kid from Port Allen sealed the deal in the final moments of the game? Has it been that long since we were outside of a sporting goods store with the realization that hell froze over? Has it been that long since we found a group doing an impromptu audition for
Idol? Has it been that long since the world’s longest celebration started?
Yeah I guess it has. I was glad my peeps got to experience this thrill. Something they will never forget, something I hope they will always cherish.