In live television anything, and usually everything, can happen. No
safety new, no reset button, no second take. Those in front of the lens have to develop and maintain a sense of calm and composure. Even though something out of the ordinary is going on during live television you have to just roll with the punches. It happens to everyone even to NBC’s Nightly News Anchor Brian Williams. Recapping the day’s events throughout the world a sudden an annoying sound just started to blare through the surround sound of viewer’s sets across the country. Was the lead guy caught off guard? Maybe. Did it stop him? No way. Just kept his cool and continued to present the news as if nothing was going on. Think about it, this dude has been through every kind of war zone, convention, and natural disaster that most wouldn’t dare go through. No wonder they’ve dominating the ratings for some time now.
If there is someone for the young and aspiring journalists to look towards, they may want to take a few notes from the guy who leads at 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

If there is someone for the young and aspiring journalists to look towards, they may want to take a few notes from the guy who leads at 30 Rockefeller Plaza.