No you eyes aren't playing tricks on you. It's me and yes it's daytime. I was needed to come in early which I don't mind. Pookie & Ray Ray are behaving so things have been quiet anyway.

Time to head over to the "Free State". They do things differently over there. You mess up they will find you and they will parade you around to show what kind of Jack Hole you are. Today I get to see another one who's out stayed their welcome.

That is Mark Lewis. He's familiar with the nice sliver bracelets and the Courthouse. Over a year ago A young girl named Kaitlyn Aydell turned up missing in the small town of French Settlement. That sent her mom as well a whole community into a frenzy. Everyone hoped and prayed that they would find her and bring her home. That didn't happen. Young Kaitlyn was found in a bayou in Ascension Parish not far from her hometown. All leads pointed to Lewis. I was there when they brought him in charged him with her murder. I was there when a mom had to start dealing with life without her angel.

A month ago, a jury found Lewis Guilty of 2nd Degree Murder. Today he got his sentence, Life with no parole. No only did he get take his final breath of free air. He had to hear Danette Aydell, Kaitlyn's mom, express what he took from her. Wearing pink a shirt reading "Always In Our Heart" Ms. Danette looked strong. All Lewis could do was look away.
We'll never know how she might change the world. But we know she's looking down over all of us with a beautiful smile on her face.