For nine years the Big Raggedy had the pleasure of having the Rock music loving, Star Wars following multi tasker known as Avery Davidson in fold. Unfortunately it was time to say later not good bye. You see Avery will still be in town so it's not like we won't hear from him just not as often. Avery is one of those who scaled the broadcasting ladder. Coming from radio, to producing, to shooting some of his stuff, to being a reporter, and eventually working the weekend desk. I remember when those weekends when we were chasing stories talking in code, mostly in Star Wars geek talk, to keep the competition off our tracks while trying to fill holes in a newscast. Those were some good times.

Avery you are a character and it was a joy to work with you, sometimes. You needed something you would go get it. If it took staying late or coming in early you would do it. If something needed to be said to help the product you said it honesty and we try to make it better.

Avery you influenced a lot a lives at the Big Raggedy so here's to you. Next round is on me.
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