The resourceful gentlemen pictured is Jamie Munden, photojournalist of WRAL. And you thought we had it bad. After he and his reporter, Stacy Davis, finished up another live shot for the news who knew that their adventure that morning was just beginning. Frozen temps and and extended mast into the night sky will do that do you. I never thought that a trusty light kit would do more than add a nice glow to the talent. Then I do some more searching to see what my peeps Lenslinger and Weaver have been up to. They have been dealing with the below freezing temps longer than me and they find ways to make freezing weather events very interesting. Not just the usual shutdowns and closures but the good it seems to bring out in people. It you get a chance go check out their blogs and the Ocho's website they wont disappoint.
As for me I'm going find some hand warmers, did you know?
Hand warmers!?? R u kidding me?? I havent seen u for 2 weeks, u big dummy!! I hope your keepin that lil squirrell Jhon Luc warm u bum!! xray ted holdin it down while u relax by the heater!!!!
My pathetic friend. How we for get that when you were on that road trip covering some bad football games, I was answering the call putting on quality tv.
Don't hate me because all heck decided to freeze over during my break.
Besides I think the Meeks and the Turdpolisher held down the fort during my absense, did you know?
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