How cool is it to go to the Nation's Capital stand outside the gates of the White House pull out your point and shoot camera to document the occasion. Let me ask this, how cool would it be to be able to go around the White House chillin with the most powerful person in the free world and take their picture? Got your attention? Good. That has been the case for the last 50 years when a
select few were given the honor to
photograph some of the most powerful, captivating, and intimate moments of the President & The First Family. And you thought a tv news photographer had to be on top of their game.

From the time when JFK was hard at work and a little visitor peeked out the front of the kneehole panel in the the desk.

To a trio of Commanders In Chief sharing a story in the Oval Office before the next historic event was to happen.
Images that are once in a lifetime. Rarely seen but can still captivate emotion while standing the test the test of time. I wouldn't mind meeting some of these guys capturing momentous chapters in the lives of leaders. I would simply ask, "How cool of a job do you have?"
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