I have been on a number of crime scenes, listened to victims stand up to fight for the innocent, sat across the table from Governors while trying to explain themselves from the latest issues, looked in the eyes of convicted killers while they were being carted off to prison, and scaled the side of one the largest college football stadiums. I have done alot here at the asylum but nothing could prepare me for this assignment.

It was Wednesday. Just got back from shooting another press conference the noon news when the desk informs me that I had a shoot to get. I ask whats the assignment and the only word that I could comprehend was hoarder. Yes hoarder.
I've seen the show and it's one thing to see on an HD screen yet something else when you are up close and personal with it. Man how things got to this point I have no idea. The owner is blessed that family and the kindness of strangers are willing to help her. Don't think the trailer is salvageable. Hope I don't have to shoot this story again, don't know how those guy at A&E do this all the time.
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