I remember one of my favorite stories with Paul was when we had to go the federal court building. One of those public officials was under the spotlight of the feds was there to be sentenced. It was suppose to be a simple get the info from the inside and grab a few pictures of the guy walking outside. Was there the chance of him talking to us? Highly doubtful. Was there a chance of his local posse getting wild and out with us? Most definitely. So I stand at the usual spot. Paul signals me that they are going to talk. And no sooner than the first question was asked he got to blaming Paul for everything that happened to him. It was his fault that he got caught. It was his fault that he was going to jail. So Paul being Paul just kept firing question after question at him. Then his group tried to create a wall around him trying to keep us at bay yet Paul kept his cool. He kept firing questions in his general direction with no response. Paul knew that some people weren’t going to happy with some of the stories that he helped put on the news but he knew that that he wasn’t going to win any popularity contests either. Especially with those who had to sit on the hot seat while the camera was rolling. One thing was certain someone was going to blow a gasket after Gates held them accountable.
Now, what was a great career has come to an end. Paul always graceful had to break the story that he was now battling the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Without question this was a sad day for everyone. You never think that certain things will happen to those you care about until it becomes reality. Sometimes breaking exclusives have to take a back seat one’s health & well being.
Paul, you are good friend & a good journalist. You helped paved the way for those investigative reporters who followed you and you kept all us photographers on our toes. We all knew to just keep rolling when the interview got started, never knew what other material we were going to get. Your wit and personality kept the place going. We knew we could count on you for a good laugh as well as some great journalism. The newsroom just won’t be the same without you my friend. God bless you and your family. Take care my friend.