In this industry it's mostly gloom and doom, if it bleeds it leads, or the daily feasting of human misery. For once it was nice to put on some good news. Here's the story of 5 year old George Woods. This kid has been dealing with a form of MD for most of his young life. Not being able to go ride a bike, or run down the street, or climb around a jungle gym has to be tough. So he was asked if he had a wish what would it be, the young man asks for a playhouse so he, his friends, and even his older sister can hang out together. So the folks over at State Police Troop A raised some money with their annual golf tournament and got to work. Not only did they purchase the materials for the playhouse they built it and then delivered it to George at his home. We are talking camo wall paint, the kid likes to go hunting with his dad, TV, DVD player, a toybox, and an air conditioner. George's expression, "This is the biggest day of my whole entire life". A bunch of strangers come together and bring happiness to a child's face. Sure is nice to tell some good news for a change.

A good story nicely done. Gave me chills when I looked at it in editing.
Can you link it?
Welcome to the blogosphere, Senator! I'd like to see that story. Just don't follow my example of posting so infrequently.
Saaaaayyyyy, Bruh!!! Who edited that piece?
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