We are just like any other office. Each person has a task that fits into the puzzle of the final product. The desk deals the assignments. The reporters and photographers try to make them interesting. And the producers try to organize a flow of events without everything crashing down on them in the blink of an eye. Just a reminder that we are all human. The routine of working sources for an interview or getting the location of Pookey's current escapade can wear down even to most seasoned person in the business. There are times that we have to lighten up. Take a few moments to release that pent up tension in the workplace. I had to go and do some recruiting and I found these two.

The one wearing the glasses is "Ty Bear". Her friend behind her "C Bear". Just found them out in the Raggedy and they wanted to see what it was like inside the wall of the news asylum. Alright time to leave the Fuzzy Mic alone and get to work.

Ah, working the phones. Must be something big going down in the warehouse district. Wait a minute I didn't know we had a warehouse district.
I see Ty is on the computer. Updating the web is important. Never know when that breaking email alert is needed. Very nice. Very nice. But probably their most important job.....
....just putting a smile on everyone's face. It always good to unwind just a little. I'm sure C-Line and the Nubian Princess will continue to show them the ropes in this place.
they put a HUGE smile on my face!!!! Now every time i hug ty bear its like hugging you and her! =) -cline-
thanks for bearaline big rob! you are definately the sweetest photog at the raggedy! - while i'm gone can you give DD some pointers?!
-the nubian princess
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