Politics make strange bedfellows especially in this state. The list of figures aspiring for the status elite in Louisiana's Political World is a long one. From Huey P. Long and his radical populist policies to the current Governor, Bobby Jindal, and his efforts for state reform. All look for seats of change whether they be in the Phallus Palace or at the steps of Capital Hill. Many have come and gone all are unique characters in their own right.

So now enter one Stormy Daniels. Yes that
Stormy Daniels. Adult Entertainer, star of mainstream movies, dancer of cabarets across America, and one of the most downloaded women in the world. She just so happens to be a resident of Baton Rouge and the
focus of a grass root campaign to possibly become the next Jr. Senator for the State of Louisiana.
"2010 presents the Pelican State with the opportunity to start with a clean slate -- to elect a representative that we can be proud of, who will work tirelessly, and who will challenge the status quo. We at the Draft Stormy campaign feel that Baton Rouge native Stormy Daniels is best suited to fulfill these duties," the web site reads.
Questions of this being a legit run for office or just a publicity stunt are now making the
rounds across the
media world. The election is a over a year away and she
hasn't said that she is running for the Senate seat. Again she hasn't said that she is running only considering her options. However, if she does run I wonder who's going to volunteer to
follow the campaign.
Will the adults send our man Turd out on this one? Or will it be yours? After all, there's a groundswell building for Ms Stormy and we the people need to keep on top of this. Of course, we are awaiting your coverage of her upcoming gig at the Gold Club and whether mister vitter does his own recon for this one or sends out the hitler youth.
Colonel Henry Johnson (retired)
I think alot of people want to stay on top of her, I mean this. I think Mrs. Vitter won't let said recon happen, did you know??
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