It’s a new year. New beginnings, new challenges, new day to look at the mess that is my locker. After doing this for so long I have to ask have in the world did I accumulate this amount of stuff and how in the world is able to fit inside this limited area of space? That’s a question for some math genius or physicist; surprisingly we had one on the staff some time ago. While gazing on this accomplishment I keep looking over my shoulder to make sure the crew from A&E’s Hoarders isn’t taping me for the next season. On a side not, that is one crazy show. Back to the matter at hand.
What all is in here? I see magazines. Water bottles. Coffee mugs. Batteries. Pictures. Notebook. Chargers. Rain coat. Another notebook. Aleve, xray ted's yapping will always give you a headache. Flash drives. A third notebook, don't ask why. The Ark, (shhh!) don’t tell Indy. And tapes. Lots and lots of tapes. Let’s be honest before the digital conversion you had to keep a stash of them ready to go. Never knew when the next big story was going to happen and the last thing you wanted was to be out of tapes to capture the event. Can’t believe that it’s been a few years since I last used these. Might be a good idea to get the video off of them before the machines start to break down.
After a little work and a big trash can, here’s what we have. A nice clean, organized locker. Maybe now I can finally start putting my equipment in here.