Senator’s Log: April 4th, 2012. – It was the final day of eighth straight days at the asylum. It just so happen it was "Judgment Day" at the “House That Huey Built”. A few hundred teachers decided to make one last ditch effort to challenge legislation that would leave the biggest impact on education since the days of desegregation. Educators locked in a fierce battle with the sitting Governor on what should be the right path for the future of the state’s school system. It was the peeps in Red versus the Ones wearing the Suits. Lots of chanting, lots of name calling, lots of endless debate in the chamber yet not enough of Aleve to go around. Nonetheless I knew that it was going to be a really, and I mean really, long day in front of me and I just had to grin and bear it.
A day that was going to require a lot of shooting, a lot of fast editing, and a good pair of shoes with all of the moving around. Why does all of this madness have to happen on the days I’m here? It was all hands on deck for this one, good thing one of our young, intelligent, and hard working interns decided to come along for the ride. Another pair of hands is always welcomed help while the capitol correspondent sorts out all of the details to make sense of the story for the evening news.

Yet with all of the facts, pictures, and sound bites the key essentials for success today were patience & endurance. Patience was needed because the debate in chamber was more of a marathon. Some of the lawmakers drew a line in the sand also since they had some doubts about the plan also. Endurance was required because the rest of asylum was spread all over the place. Thankfully the debate finally ended before midnight and we all got out at a decent hour. Just hope the rest of the session isn’t going to be like this but another round is right around the corner.
Yet with all of the facts, pictures, and sound bites the key essentials for success today were patience & endurance. Patience was needed because the debate in chamber was more of a marathon. Some of the lawmakers drew a line in the sand also since they had some doubts about the plan also. Endurance was required because the rest of asylum was spread all over the place. Thankfully the debate finally ended before midnight and we all got out at a decent hour. Just hope the rest of the session isn’t going to be like this but another round is right around the corner.
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