It’s no secret that people of HBO have delivered some of the best television in recent memory. Shows like The Sopranos, True Blood, and The Wire. Now the network is going to bring us a new series this summer called The Newsroom. A gritty drama about the behind the scenes issues of a popular cable news network. The problems of the main anchor losing his cool & becoming a viral video sensation. Producers constantly bickering with the talent on the direction of the show. And the managers who must somehow find balance to produce quality television while making a profit. Yes all this and more but I have one question,
After watching the trailer there was no mention of the hard working men and women who throw fancy cams with fuzzy mics on their shoulders. The ones who go beyond the call of duty to make the talent look good while trying to fit a lunch break in with dozens of live shots trusted upon them. Don’t get me wrong this has the makings of a great show but I employ the creators of this series to please bring in a strong group to accurately portray the photographer ranks. No doing live shots in the middle of a tornado. For that matter no doing live shots without a live truck. And for all that is good please let them hold the camera the correct way. And if you need someone to bring guidance to actors & actresses I do offer my services, did you know?
After watching the trailer there was no mention of the hard working men and women who throw fancy cams with fuzzy mics on their shoulders. The ones who go beyond the call of duty to make the talent look good while trying to fit a lunch break in with dozens of live shots trusted upon them. Don’t get me wrong this has the makings of a great show but I employ the creators of this series to please bring in a strong group to accurately portray the photographer ranks. No doing live shots in the middle of a tornado. For that matter no doing live shots without a live truck. And for all that is good please let them hold the camera the correct way. And if you need someone to bring guidance to actors & actresses I do offer my services, did you know?
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