Who would have thought that some teen sensation not named Spears would causing such an uproar. Yesterday Senior Big Raggedy reporter Jim Shannon got word that one of Gov. Jindal's High Ranking staff members scored some free tickets for the Hannah Montana concert in the Big Easy last month. We are talking the whole sha-bang-a-bang. Tickets not for show but in the Gov.'s Suite. Across the country people were having to taking out loans just for one ticket. Last going price I found was for $3000 in the nose bleed section. Just one thing about this...isn't the current admistration running on ethics reform in the state of LA???? That is somewhat ironic did you know???

Wait a minute she's got a video game too???? They're right the money is in merchendising. I wonder if I can get a Big Raggedy game made? Anyway back to the post.

So today members of the Senate Commitee on TV Ways & Means to make it Interesting, that being Caroline and the Turdpolisher, hit the halls looking for follow up answers. The blurred gentlemen bolting from C-Line is the staff member in question. No on camera interview. No returned phone call. However what was found also puts up a red flag.

It turns out that four members of the legislature also got free tickets to the same concert. Now in years past I helped worked on stories were lawmakers got first dibs on tickets to certain events, sporting events, concerts, and so on. I thought nothing of it since there is nothing illegal about getting the tickets in the first place. I do recall efforts by some to stop getting said free tickets but nothing came out if it. Every time the issue would come up, it gets bogged down in some form or fashion.

Fast forward to the present. If you were to poll everyone in the legislature, I'm willing to bet that at least 3/4 of them ran under ethics reform to get into office. I guess it was the cool thing to do at the time. That being said you can't have it both ways. Either pass the legislation or go back to the way things were. What ever you do please be straight forward with us and the public. And try not to go to any more HM concerts. Now to get to work on that Big Raggedy video game.
We're only in this to change perception, not reality, did you know?
Yeah I know, did you know?
Did the governor's Chief of Staff ever return your Ruth's Chris gift card after he went to see Miss Montana? If not, you're more than welcome to use mine. It's been recharged by our friends at the Louisiana Restaurant Association!
Russell Drewry
Senator, North Rampart District
P.S. Don't ever lend your card to Mr. Vitter...it comes back with a fishy smell, did you know?
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