When covering Politics one of the most important things I have developed over time is patience.

I must have a great deal of it since I now have an "Uno" deck of press passes. I'm just missing the Black Draw Four Wild card. Wonder if they will make those next year. Anyway the halls of the Capital are a buzz once again. Eariler than expected I might add. Gov. Bobby Jindal, who's not that much older than me, ran on a platform of Ethics Reform for the great state of Louisiana.

I know what your thinking. Ethics Reform in this state. Good luck trying to get this one to work. Every so often it seems that some public official get's their hand caught in the cookie jar. For so many years this state has been the punchline of every joke when it comes to image. The sins of the past are haunting the present. This may have a chance. There are so many new faces in the legislature to go with a new admistration that the platform ideas may become reality than just talk.
Here are couple of familiar faces. Big Raggedy past and Big Raggedy present. It's Caroline and
Cyndi. I asked them for input on what else we need to get passed this year. The TV legislation is vital to the reform packages for this session. With some help from my collegues I have no doubts to better state being provided with quality television news, did you know?

I hope Gov. Jindal knows what he is in for. He'll have an eaiser time taking care of the wife and kids then minding the nuts in the peanut gallery.
say hello to all the pricks in the phallus palace for me, though i'll probably be there more than you this session, did you know?
ahhh the phallus palace...mr. jindal here we come=)...no more hanna montana...having fun yet? =)
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