With a blank trip to Hammond out of the way, don't ask why we were there, the 10pm producer flashes the Bat Signal. "It going to get crazy soon but we would like a live look in from the post office for the last minute tax filing". So I climb into the White Whale head off. This is going to be easy.

Nothing like pulling out you chair, reading a nice book....

.... then watching the endless number of people clinging on to the last bit of money hoping that the feds give them something back. Why go through this every year?

Do what I do. I've got people. I know I'm not getting anything back. Stuff was filed early, so no worries what so ever.

I remember her from last year. Lady would you like to meet my peeps. I have those that take care of the mathematical nightmare known as the Federal and State Tax code. Oh well, breaks over. Time to get the shot ready. Then there is something ringing in my ear. It's the "Hobbit" producer of the 9. He has a special request of me.
I'm noticing a trend here. First they got the Turdpolisher last year doing this. Now me. So my fellow lens junkies who visit the blogosphere. Be afraid, be very afraid when the 9pm cometh.
I was duly offended that Merriweather called you "Big Rob" on the air, as opposed to the more formal and appropriate "Senator Robert Hollins from the Government Street District."
Too informal, did you know?
Senator Drewry
North Rampart District
Senator, Much love. More to follow...
daaaamn!...you got it!...multi-talented- tripple threat- photog/reporter/blogger...look out louisiana...and move over street beat! =)
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