Wednesday, November 12, 2008

LA Animal Channel

Why hasn't the promo department start the campaign of the Big Raggedy being LA Animal Channel. Think about it there have been so many stories involving our furry and feathered friends. I remember XRAY TED chasing a goat a few yeas ago that made it to the national outlets. Then the Turdpolisher stumbled into the hunt forJo-Jo .

Now Tippy's story has come across our radar or rather the classifieds. There is always something about dogs. You can be gone for five minutes but when they see you they act like you've been gone for five days. I hope Tippy turns up soon and in good health.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that gentle old lady didn't ask if you ate her poor dog!!! Fat butt!! ha ha ha ha!!! cowboys bleaux!!! xray

Senator's Forum said...

Surprise surprise another fat joke. Is that the best you got? Your mindless dribble means nothing to my XRAY. Your pathetic. Just stay within the lines of your coloring book.

Anonymous said...

blubber butt!! Please read your entire post brefore you send!! You have more typos than the advocate!!! DID U KNOW!!??? XRAY

Senator's Forum said...

XRAY u can read????