The day has finally come. The day of people trying to sneak in some television during an extra break. The day printers will spit out tons of paper with weird drawings that look more like Egyptian Hieroglyphics. The day were people will flip a coin to help their journey to perfection. Yes the annual NCAA March Madness tournament is here. God help us all.

I keep saying that I'm not going to do this again. But every year the mayhem paves the way for the madness and I become addicted to teams that I've never heard of and a flurry buzzer beaters that break hearts while busting brackets.
But I'm not the only one since the madness has spread to the newsroom as well. People picking teams by school color, some using a bottle cap, while others turn to research via the web. It doesn't matter it's one big crap shoot. The money has change hands, the brackets have been filled, and the trash talking has started. Alright time to fill in my bracket.

I have a good feeling this year. A 16 never beats a 1 seed. The 12 seed will beat a 5. And I will yell at the television knowing that they won't be able to hear me. I don't think anyone has this Final Four then again I have been wrong before. Stay tuned as we give in to the madness.
Remember last year, when we were huddled around my portable TV while babysitting a trial in the Free State?
Senator I remember that day well. It was Northwestern State playing Iowa with the Demons' miracle shot ending my chances of winning that year, did you know?
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