It's not often that I get to see the AM producer but twice in 24 hours was just ridiculous.

It all started during the early hours yesterday when the Bat Phone was ringing out of control. The voice on the other end gets a tip of a triple shooting out in Praireville. Crap. Spot news knows no boundaries and it sure as hell doesn't know when to clock out. So I load up the car and head out. After talking to the sheriff deputies working the case and it looks like a drug deal gone wrong. My question is when does a drug deal ever right? I should recommend that for an upcoming editorial. Enough of the sidetracks back to the reason why I'm here. Get the pictures, head back to the ranch, and then try to get some sleep. Only hitting two of of three at this point can't get back to bed. I'm going to be a zombie when I get back to the Raggedy.
So the regular shift starts and the assignments are dealt out. KN and I have to go to a City Council in Denham Springs regarding their animal shelter or the confusion surrounding their animal shelter. This meeting goes on and on and on. It turns out they need to amend an ordinance to bring the shelter to code and they have to go over every small detail to prevent another marathon get together on the subject. Seems like time is standing still for this. Already lagging from the early start I had to turn to a bag of Peanut M&M's and a Dr. Pepper for dinner. Nothing like the food of the News Gods to keep you going. The meeting is heading to the home stretch. Looks like a live shot is in the cards. Fortunately we had Big Moo deliver the truck to us and help fill the hole in the news. Raise the mast and beam back the captured emotion of the meeting. So far so good. Maybe, just maybe this day will end. I know I just jinxed myself.

Once I get back in town there's talk of a fire in progress. No big deal right, wrong. When it's the Brandywine Apartments then it's a big deal. For those who don't know this place is no stranger to us and local law enforcement. And since it's projecting an orange glow in the night sky sleep is going to have to wait little while longer.
At this point my contacts feel like shards of glass in my eyes. After rolling up to the scene I'm overcome with a sense of deja vu. I was here last year when there was a large fire and it looks like the same unit that was blazing away. Now factor in the financial troubles with the owners along some ticked off residents and things start to look a little hazy with this incident. I'll let the investigators handle that part while I continue the heavy lifting for team Streetbeat. A part of me hopes they use everything I shot but the rest of me is content with just getting some sleep.

Mission accomplished. Got some nice video for the AM show, the producer will be happy. After making the delivery I think about asking him not to call the Bat Phone but that won't happen. After all spot news never sleeps and unfortunately neither am I, did you know????
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