You never know what will happen in the hall of the asylum. Today for example I stumbled on a training session involving our resident daredevil,
Darin Erin, and the photographer for some of her adventures, xray ted. Looks like the start of spring football season had ignited a competitive fire between the dynamic duo.

Their first training session was a test of strength and leverage. Who could get out of a three point stance and lay the hit on their opponent. The only thing missing was the football coach to blow the whistle and get the drill going. Think it may have been a draw on this one. However this is a marathon not a sprint, more action was to come.

Next was the 40 yard dash, a test of explosiveness and speed. Mickey would be proud right now. Seeing Erin eat lighting and crap thunder preparing herself for the next challenge. I think she's going to run the steps of the Rocky movie now. I hope she dosen't pull a hamstring don't think there is a trainer on sight today.
nice shot of blades eating in the background!! xray
This was greatt to read
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