Do you feel it? The ton of paper being pushed through the rotunda. The final details being looked over by staffers. That rush of adrenaline emanating from the capital building. Time has come again. The annual meeting of 144 lawmakers from across the State called in for 80 days of conducting the business of the people. Yes, the Louisiana Session of 2010 is here. Where over 1900 bills, so far, have been filed and are waiting to go through the process of making it to the Governor’s desk to become law. Some will see it through for an official signature. Some will have to compromise to make everyone happy. Most are going to be in a bitter fight to the end causing some feelings to be hurt. All are going to make it on the news some way. I’ll have to be there from time to time to make sure everyone plays nice since they do like to have long meetings into the night.
Sine Die is a long time away. I wonder if I can get the lawmakers to convene every other year. It works over in Texas, did you know?
Sine Die is a long time away. I wonder if I can get the lawmakers to convene every other year. It works over in Texas, did you know?
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