Thursday, September 27, 2007

Saving Sassy

After a brief recess, ya hear me D, nothing of interest is going on. Something that's on my mind was that cat in pipe story I did on Monday. It was a unique story but it wasn't the best animal rescue story I've shot.

That story involved me and Jennifer Hale. It was scary some of the things we were able to pull off during the time we worked together. Most of it involved countless hours at the Capital. Those were some days. We really had to make something out of nothing most of the time. There were time we had to make sense of a budget bill or catching heated moments on the House and Senate floor did you know? However one story stands alone.

Jennifer is an animal lover. Especially dogs. We were sent to St. Francisville to get Gov. Blanco, who was late no surprise there, talking to a bunch a Girl Scouts. I forget was going on with her administration at the time but after that we got interesting call from the Assignment Desk. "We need you to head to Clinton". "What's going on", I said. "You know that puppy that fell down the well that we didn't care about yesterday. We care about it today". So off to Clinton Hale and I went. After dialing a few numbers we find the farm house were the tragedy was taking place. Turns out that the mama dog had some puppies and one of them, Sassy, wandered off and fell into a hole in the family's back shed. The kids are worried. Their mom has called everyone trying to get some help. Us being LA's Animal Channel we made some calls no luck on our end. Some time later a couple of volunteer fire fighters came over and went to work. Using some contraption made of pvc pipe, glow sticks, and vice grips they went fishing for Sassy.

But wait the story gets better. Close to news time we get a call from the station. Jennifer comes and tells me, "There are thinking about sending the Sat Truck our way". You're kidding me. This isn't Baby Jessica. Yeah its Sassy but it's not worth a sat shot. So, the firefighters manage to get Sassy out, yes!!!!! We shoot the reunion and haul tail back to the Big Raggedy. We slap something together for the early shows but it's the late show were we really put something nice together. Here's the story.

Story over right, not by a long shot. After the story ran, CNN calls the next day. They find out what we have and ask can you uplink it to us. They call back, "The newsroom loves the story. We're running it later today". My goodness Sassy is going to be on national television. The day after CBS calls and they wanted the story and ran it on the weekend. Is there nothing going on that week???? I guess we are LA's Animal Channel.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

Very good Senator! An excellent tale of suspense, sadness, and joy.