After lugging around the lens for nine years a lot of things come into sight of your viewfinder.

It's always good to welcome a new member to the world of television photography. Let me be the first to welcome ....

....Kristy Davis. I knew it. I knew it. Deep down you always wanted to be a photographer. Now be careful, next you'll be asked to drive around town in a truck with a wok attached to it.
Somehow 'Turdpolisherette' doesn't seem to fit the lovely Miss Davis.
Of course, the world awaits the results of her dna swab...
Colonel Henry Johnson (retired)
What's she doing with that camera? Where's her photog? She never offers to shoot when we're working together.
I think this photo is staged...
Maybe next time we're paired up, I'll do the reporting and let her do the shooting, or maybe I'll just kick back and take a nap in the news unit while she does all the work.
Just kidding. KD and I have turned some good stories together.
Hell Oreo, shoot/schmoot . . . I'm still trying to figure out how you sunshine shift boys get those reporters to drive y'all to get certain shots from the rider's side. I still can't get that one going for me after the sun goes down. Oh well . . . must be no one wants to drive the white whale . . . can't imagine why. ;-)
--DMC at the 'BRZ
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