My lovely 10pm producer takes a call from one of loyal viewers saying that a bunch of cop cars are near their apartment complex with crime tape surrounding the building. Now my photographer instincts are kicking in. I'm pretty sure that the building didn't do anything so that leaves me with one conclusion, stand off. Man I really hate stand offs.

And force one photographer to leave his well earned sweet liquid reward back at the station to take pictures of the madness that is about to commence. I know what you are thinking, Senator why didn't you bring the sweet tea with you? Because I wanted to enjoy every drop while thinking of a successful day at the Big Raggedy. So while it's becoming a watered down version of it's former self I have to deal with the jack(insert noun from above) of the evening.
As I ponder if I'm going to be here for the Morning Show, PIO walks up to me and says, "It's ended. No one hurt and he's in custody". Wrap up a few loose ends, like getting a shot of the you know who, with no luck. However I know back at the assignment desk is a nice refreshing reward waiting on me. So with that, Cheers to the wonderful negotiator. It was worth the effort and the wait.
leave it to the senator to find a cute page in the middle of shitville.
Representative Polisher,
Of course the Senator found a cute page! With years of experience in the Upper Chamber, one develops a laser-like ability to find the best eye candy available...did you know?
Senator Drewry
North Rampart District
What was she doing there?? Could you get your head out of your ass and blog about her, instead of sweet tea that you clearly don't need!!!! Details did you know!!?? xray ted
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