The studio. Each one is different. Each brings it own distinction to every news operation across the country. Some big. Some small. Some have the fancy wall monitors. While others continue their upgrades to show the news in High Def. The one thing that all studios may have in common is that when the air conditioner breaks down it gets real hot real fast thanks to the lights, more on that in a second. Now here at the Big Raggedy our newsroom is a part of the set. So our loyal peeps are watching us at work.
Now back to the lights. As I said earlier, they get hot very quickly. With that in mind the doors that act as a buffer between the newsroom and the studio must be open. That means we have to clean of the desks within camera shot and everyone watch what they say. Priority one, someone go find Meeks.

Is meeks the retarded clown that requires "special attention"? He looks mentally handicapped, is this required by your local government to hire this type of person? Well good for you wafb, no one left behind. Go get em' meeks were all pulling for you!
btw go cubbies!!
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