Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Cult Following Returns

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Enjoy But Remember
Sen. R. Hollins
Government Street District
Friday, May 23, 2008
"Live Cluster"

What's that you ask? A "Live Cluster" is when three or more live shots happen at the same time in the same proximity of each other. This usually happens when there is breaking news of some sort in a small room after a press conference. Sort of like what you are seeing in the photo above. The result of confusion is compared to the sounds of a fox in the chicken coup. All hell is breaking loose and the reporter or reporters are trying to keep their composure while information is being bombarded from all sides of the room with a tiny voice talking to you in your ear. The good news is you stay calm and the shot goes off without a hitch. The bad news is that you will make it to the blog in some form or fashion. The worse news is that someone may roll video of said cluster for future laughs. I know there is video of this usual feat of flying words and mass amounts of cable everywhere and I'm working to subpoena the video in question, did you know?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Slices of LA Politics

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Living In Toxins

Emergency Legislation
From: The Less-Than-Honorable Turd from the O'Neal District
To: The Honorable Senator from the Government Street District
RE: Hooliganism
Greetings from the O'Neal District. I write this note with a heavy heart. I must warn you and beg your intervention in a matter that I know is near and dear to your heart. No, I do not refer to great Constitutional matters such as freedom of speech, dog lick lives, or fifteen minute lunch hours. I refer to the incivility with which I was treated Friday last.
I have been in the business for twenty years, and NEVER have I been subjected to as vile treatment as I was at the hands of hooligans in hard plastic Friday afternoon. It is a blight on our community and a proverbial "shot fired" at the entirety of the Photog Nation. I pray that you can do something to bring a sense of calm to these matters.
I have roamed the edges of these events, both real and created, for 28 years. (If you include my time spent as a wee-turd working for the high school pictorial review) I am alarmed at the recent spate of violence against our breed. A violence that until recently had been kept in check by men in black and white stripes. Alas, I am afraid they are over-burdened and need the weight of law to bring calm back to their domain.
I beg your assistance in passing whatever legislation you deem necessary to rectify this problem.
I have included a link to a video clip of the carnage. Feel free to play it in open session if you think it will aid your efforts. The embarrassment I may suffer is worth it if this video saves one photog from the savagery of these ruffians.
Let the record show that this is not the first time this has happened to one of our fellow Photographers. If fact I myself have been the target of said situation, it happened to me twice in the same game. Let us not forget about Rep. X RAY TED, who to this day still has the battle scar to prove it. Therefore I will ask staff to begin work on legislation to requires all plastic wearing participants maintain an adequate distance from the photographer. Any violation of said act will result in a penalty to be assessed by the officials and/or the highlights of the scrimmage or game not to be aired on TV. I will also ask for increased Photographer Health Coverage to include a massage from any hot looking masseuse of his/her own choosing. Any objections. Hearing none the committee shall stand adjourned.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there. And Happy Mother's Day to you mom. Thank you for everything and I hope you enjoy the new camera.
Dedication or Insanity
Those two put in a lot work to make it happen and it was worth it. I saw the show and it was put together well. It is a must see for every Tiger fan. Now to start getting ready for Sportsline since it's just around the corner.
A Lonley Blogosphere
Sorry it been a week since the last post. A lots been going on personally that I've had to go through that just made me want to go and put the Forum into "Executive Session". Most of the stuff has been family related and I'm happy to say that we've dealt with it and we are stronger because of it.
Now there is something that has bothered me for awhile and that's the fact that Artist Formally Known As "Turdpoliser" is gone. First T-Boy Richard, who was very funny, now this. By now you all have some knowledge of what happened and that The Artist, with best intentions, decided to take down some of the best fecal matter that I have ever glazed eyes on. It disturbs me when bad things happen to good people. Turd you helped get into this wonderful world of blogging and I thank you for it. I checked out Lenslinger's post and I didn't know you had such a cult following. If you ever decide to hit the keyboard again there's a link waiting for you or if you prefer I will suspend to rules for a motion to recognize you on the Forum.
Just know the blogosphere is a lot emptier without you, did you know?
Sunday, May 4, 2008
That's Wake Up Call