What's that you ask? A "Live Cluster" is when three or more live shots happen at the same time in the same proximity of each other. This usually happens when there is breaking news of some sort in a small room after a press conference. Sort of like what you are seeing in the photo above. The result of confusion is compared to the sounds of a fox in the chicken coup. All hell is breaking loose and the reporter or reporters are trying to keep their composure while information is being bombarded from all sides of the room with a tiny voice talking to you in your ear. The good news is you stay calm and the shot goes off without a hitch. The bad news is that you will make it to the blog in some form or fashion. The worse news is that someone may roll video of said cluster for future laughs. I know there is video of this usual feat of flying words and mass amounts of cable everywhere and I'm working to subpoena the video in question, did you know?
I've done the 'cluster' outside plenty, but I can't ever remember doing it in such a confined space! The bleed-over from competing news music alone must have been deafening!
(BTW, you've been in fine form lately. Just sayin'...)
Thank you Slinger.
If fact I checked out the news cast and the bleed over was not that bad. All of the reporters got a good laugh out of it when it was over. I do know one of the other photographers rolled on it and trying to get me a copy of it. And all know where it will eventually end up.
I rolled up mass amounts of cable in your old lady last night!! DID U KNOW!!!! Xray Ted
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