It's getting hot down here but the weather won't be a part of this entry. Just how hot is it?

It appears that a certain presidential candidate has put the LA wunderkind in his sights for political aspirations. Sen. John McCain, Republican Presidential hopeful, has extended an invitation to the Gov. Bobby Jindal for a nice weekend get together in AZ. I wonder what could be going on over in the Valley of the Sun? Could talks of Jindal maybe becoming the
Vice President be in the works? Clearly this is just speculation however got to fill some time in the late news cast. The plan was for KN and I to get some MOS, which I don't like. But another plan came to the forefront.

National politics aren't the only thing on the Forum. While making the Jindal Buzz interesting the folks at the Capital were causing a stir over "Gentlemen's Establishments". It appears that a group wants to outlaw
"contact" between the dancers and the patrons of said establishment. My views don't seem much but isn't that defeating the purpose of the establishment in question? It's like a snake with no venom, might as well be a belt. I always amazed on what legislation is being drafted in the Capital. I only wish I could be there for the debate.
Hey guys. If you want to see the stories click on the video player and look for "Vice President Jindal" and "Sex Session".
Under proposed legislation, would the governor be prohibited from giving the gentleman from Arizona a lap dance?
Just wondering.
Regards from the North Rampart District
Senator, the governnor giving lap dances is already prohibited by the new ethics law -- the new gold standard for the country.
Because there would be a measurable benifit for both the donor and the recipient, I'm sure it could be viewed as quid pro quo, status quo, Sonny Bono, pro boner or something like that. But we'll run it throught the Attorney General's office just to be sure.
Regards from the O'Neal District.
Very interesting my fellow Senators. Having staff work on legeislation with the AG's office but in the meantime heading to my private VIP room to help put some hard working ladies through college. Tution is expensive, did you know?
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