Sunday, May 25, 2008

Enjoy But Remember

Hey everyone. I hope all of you are enjoying the Memorial Day Weekend. I've hung out with my good friends from the Big Raggedy, watched the Indiana Jones movie, highly recommended, spent time with my family, and updated the blog. But remember to take time and remember those who gave their lives to allow us to enjoy the freedoms that we have. Let's also keep the men and women who are protecting the country in our thoughts as well. Yeah it's nice to have a long weekend but none of this is possible with the brave soldiers of the U.S. Armed Forces. Ya'll take care, God Bless, and come home safe.

Sen. R. Hollins
Government Street District

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I concur, senator. I move we make your remarks a Senate Resolution.
All in favor say "aye".
All opposed,"nay".
Hearing no opposition, the Resolution is adopted.
Thank you, Senator Hollins, for remembering those who have given everything for the United States and specifically the Great State of Louisiana.


Senator Russell Drewry
North Rampart Street District