OK. Let's be honest. There is not much
excitement when you go to school board meetings. However there is the chance you'll find someone that will try to be the center of attention.

So after getting all we can from the meeting we find Little David. Who has become infatuated with of all things the Fuzzy Mic. We aren't going to talk to mom without David getting the Fuzzy Mic. Maybe we can divert his attention with something else. How about a cell phone.

That should work. Keep him occupied for a couple of minutes while mom talks to us.

He's tired of the phone. The Fuzzy has caught his eye once again. We're going to need dad's help for this interview.

If this photography things doesn't work maybe I can open a daycare. Everyone is looking for quality daycare. I wonder what to call it and how can I get enough Fuzzy Mics for all of the kids?
ha i love it! -cline-
Senator Hollins,
I believe the appropriate name for your proposed daycare would be "The House of Representatives", did you know?
Senator Drewry
Rampart Street District
How about Shrek's Play Pin!! Kids love the fat and jolly!! xray
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