It is no secret that football is the premier sport in Louisiana. The High School level in particular has developed a following like none other. Largely in part to Sportsline. The weekly franchise highlight show that has spurred a cult following. The hats, the shirts, the magazines, the DVD's, and the footballs. You name it people must have it in this region. From the start of Summer Camps to the championship games it is expected for this craze to be present.

But there are other sports in the high school ranks that equally competitive. Why do they have to take a backseat to the players of the pigskin. With that thought the franchise has created another must have...The OT.

Sportsline OT. With success comes opportunity.

Basketball, wresting, volleyball, baseball, softball. Those will be on the agenda. Not to mention some unique stories that wouldn't get the deserved attention during football season.

You know it's got some teeth if the Turdpolisher is involved.

So as we embark on the maiden voyage that is the OT. One thing comes to mind. We aren't going to get an off season this year, did you know?
nor or we getting OT, did you know?
I work on my day off and I can't get a pic on you're sorry ass blog!!!! Go on the interstate and shoot you're little wrecks. Let the crafty vets take care of the ot!!!! XRAY TED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jack you were on the clock. Stop ya cryin.
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