Spending time in Huey's Phallus Palace will slowly turn you into a political junkie. You get to meet the movers and shakers. The lawmakers, the staff, and the lobbyists. You'll also get to meet the significant others from time to time. Usually they will try to stay out of the public eye and let their better halves fill time on the news. Then there is the current First Lady
Supriya Jindal.

I remember the first time meeting her. It was about five or six years. Jennifer Hale and I went to the airport for a press conference involving her husband, who was returning from Washington D.C., concerning an important announcement. It wasn't rocket science to figure out he was considering a run for Governor but nothing official yet. So as we wait Jennifer, using her Reporter Jedi Mind Tricks, was trying to get something out Supriya but with a smile and laugh wouldn't spill the beans to us. As the wait and small talk continues something or rather someone grabs then hugs my leg. It was their little daughter. "She must have thought you were daddy." So we all get a laugh, get the emotional return, and cover the presser.
With time passing on I end up shooting alot of stories with the Jindals. From the first campaign, the in depth profile pieces, the successful run to the U.S. Congress, to the current role as Louisiana's First Family. But it was really during the Gustav coverage that proves she's different from most. I'm at a supply distribution point with
Dave McNamara and word comes in that the 1st Lady is coming.

No glitz. No glamour. No fanfare. Just a person concerned about the well being of others affected by the storm. So she goes and thanks the National Guard for what they are doing. Then goes and spread some words of encouragement to the people in line. Afterwards she turns to us. We do the usual act of getting some comments for the news. Once I put the camera and fuzzy mic down she says, "It's good to see you again. How are you and your family doing?" I respond that they were doing fine and that all of the trees fell the right way. Away from the houses. We get a good chuckle, shake hands and wish each other well.
That is what makes her a pleasant person to be around. She doesn't demand the spotlight but she isn't going to just sit
idle either. I can respect that, did you know?
that was one hell of a story, senator. who shot it?
o wow!!! Your friends with Supriah!!?? I must shake you're hand and hump your leg!! Tell me more about your incredible relationship with the Jindal's!! I can't get enough!! You give hope to overweight geeks, nerds, and star wars freeks everywhere!!! Thank you thank you!!! xray
I think that you shot said story that in turned caused the stroll down memory lane, did you know?
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