So I'm nearing the end of 12 straight days at the Raggedy and as luck would have it I end up going to Metro Council. Joy was just pouring from my face. Once the 3 hour marathon ended, with nothing to show for it, it was time to get some dinner. I was going to settle for the meeting feast of M&M’s and a Dr. Pepper but I decided to walk across the street instead. That may have been the 2nd best decision of the day.
While heading to the Golden Arches I look down near the front door and stumble across this…..
That’s right $40 just laying there on the walk way. My first reaction is that this cannot be happening. A pair of Andrew Jackson’s just resting there in a time where penny pinching may become the next Olympic sport. Once I realize that Ashton Kutcher nor his camera crew wasn’t in the area I pocket the money then start thinking that I just picked up an extra four Hamilton’s. Now what to do with it?
Buy 40 cheeseburgers? Nah, been losing weight besides the grilled chicken salad was better for me. Hey can go pick up the new fantasy football guide? That wasn’t an option since I already had one. I know make a fast trip to the Gold Club. No, Stormy Daniels wasn’t in town however I wonder if I can still write that off as a campaign donation.
Here’s what I do know? Someone is looking down on me and has given me opportunity to something good. I’m open to ideas, did you know?
While heading to the Golden Arches I look down near the front door and stumble across this…..

Buy 40 cheeseburgers? Nah, been losing weight besides the grilled chicken salad was better for me. Hey can go pick up the new fantasy football guide? That wasn’t an option since I already had one. I know make a fast trip to the Gold Club. No, Stormy Daniels wasn’t in town however I wonder if I can still write that off as a campaign donation.
Here’s what I do know? Someone is looking down on me and has given me opportunity to something good. I’m open to ideas, did you know?
buy the next round.
Jenny Craig, Nutra System, Weight Watchers!!??? Im sure theres more out there just do a alittle research. The chairs in the newsroom with thank you!! How bout just using it for my entry fee to my fantasy league which I will win anyway?? How bout those suggestions Fat Butt?? xray
Xray, how bout I use it for your medical co pay?
How bout the Stormy Daniels Legal Defense Fund? Those damned Florida republican persecutors are obviously trying to embarrass the Great State of Louisiana by tainting our next United States Senator. (or, if your political leanings are in the other direction, you can always buy vitter his next case of diapers)
If politics is not your forte, you can always share the wealth and pass it along to the Nubian Princess.
Congrats on your find.
Colonel Henry Johnson (retired)
You could always pretend that you're a lobbyist and buy yourself lunch....and have some Lincoln left over!
Senator Drewry
French Quarter District
Better yet, buy me a lunch.
Senator Drewry
French Quarter District
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