Once I meet up with C-Line she could only conjure up two ideas. One would involve a proposed mass transit system that was scrapped because of some unwanted scrutiny. The other would be a trip to the Purple and Gold faithful as they get ready to embark on another semester of broadening their minds and exploring the opportunities to better prepare themselves for the real world. Since we didn’t get a call back for the first idea, we headed to LSU to follow the kids getting ready for the first day of school. Almost got away without doing any first day of schools stories, oh well it was going to happen sooner or later.
So as we roll past the clock tower, we were still pondering about what angle to take with this? What will get people interested in parents getting ready to send their pride and joy away for four years? The economy is still trying to gain strength. Colleges across the state have to tighten their belts some have increased tuition to make their budget, while students have to be more frugal during these times. Then an idea came to us faster than a pop quiz in chemistry, what is the one thing that the kids have to get?

They have to get the books for the classes they are taking. Granted some of the prized literature may by online but most are in hardback, if you’re lucky you may find a paperback.
We catch a break. Grab some kids having to cough up some extra cash and get the books with hefty price tag attached to them. Now we had to hope the Turdpolisher left some “Turd El Wax” in the edit bay. We scrapped the sides of the jar for this one but it turned out to be a good piece.
The weekend tour is in the bag, now I have to wonder what Monday will bring the Raggedy’s way.
you REALLY made a master piece out of mush!!! Impressive work...thank you for making me look better=) -C-line-
average photoggery at BEST! The writing saved that story!! xray
C-line thank you again. It was nice to work with you and the Nubian Princess this past weekend.
Please pay no attention to the inept ass clown who left the previous comment.
I shall deal with him at a later date, did you know?
R U saying the writing did'nt save your sorry fat butt!!???? xray
I'm saying that it was a team effort. It was a couple of people coming together to make things happen. As Spike would say, "its the words and pictures weaving themselves together to make a good story".
You just go flip your switch and hope the colors come out.
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