In our efforts to bring nourishment to the beast, Field Crews must endure a countless number of obstacles. From the "Drive Thru Diet" to the dreaded "Live Cluster". But one situation that your are sure to come across is the expected Scrum. Looks like C-Line and XRAY TED found it. Big thanks to my friend Author for capturing this one. The goal? A group of reporters to get in as many questions as you can in a small amount of time. The target, usually someone of importance who wants to talk but will have a "coordinator" keep tabs on every second. So every question must count since this game has no reset button. Some want info on money matters that affect the masses. While others are sent for goundbreaking moments. No matter who you work for the goal is the same. Get in position, fire questions, and pray you get something worth reporting. Oh and trying not to get in the way of security, did you know?
xray! you got the wrong eye in that thing!
pretty sure i'm taller than the gov in this pic...just sayin...
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