Senator's Journal: March 8, 2009. The mayhem before the madness continues. Sweeps stories were being shot and edited thanks to heavy promotion over the airwaves. The basketball special is near completion, thank goodness. After a late night edit session and a time shift, I needed to unwind just a little. So why not go and catch a movie? Haven't done that in a while. Now what to watch????

How about that one that took over 20 years and a long legal battle make. Yeah, that's the one. I'll go and watch the
Watchmen. Anytime you have to buy the tickets at the box office there must be something good in this picture. The crowd goes silent when the show starts. Then it happens. A constant movement on my side. Is it a loose piece of popcorn? No. It's the Bat Phone. I walk out of the auditorium and answer. The voice on the other end needs me to go to a working house fire. I always plan for the unexpected when I'm on call. Talk about bad timing. I head to scene.

As I make my way to the fire the phone rings, it's the voice again. Hey we just heard word that they worked a fire there earlier this week. Turns out the voice was right. It seems that the
Turdpolisher poked his lens around the scene before. Turns out this house is snakebitten. Trash was the cause of this place going up in flames the first time. Today, it was one of the residents looking through the remains with a candle. At least he got out unharmed. Time to get to the asylum and get the video in for the news.

After everything was done, I heard another voice. The movie studio yelling out, "Will you come and finish watching the movie"? So I whispered back, "Yes. I'll come back". Why not just wait for it on Blu Ray you ask?

I think she knows what I go through at the Raggedy.