Anyone who has worked with me knows that I don't like shooting in the rain. There are too many things to deal with and a lot can go wrong. Keeping my camera dry is priority but keeping myself dry is a close second. I've come to the conclusion that organizers of outdoor events don't get what I go through.

Tonight example was a local parade on the eve of the 4th of July. Now all I ask of any organizer is to use good judgement. When it is coming down in buckets and lighting all over the place, feel free to delay the event until the weather passes. Or if the storms are too bad feel free to reschedule the event. Trust me, if we want it that bad to fill some time in the newscast we will come back for it.

Alright, got it off my soaked chest. At least the locals are having a good time inspite of the drenching conditions.

It never ceases to amaze me how we will come out for a parade and have a good time. They don't mind getting soaked, their friendly confines are not far away. As for the rest of us...

...we do what we can to keep the camera dry. Mission accomplished but I can't say the same for my shoes. Good thing I keep an extra pair handy.
you whining bitch!!! at least your not shooting with that little piece of crap!!!! count your blessings, and sleep well at night knowing you got a real camera to gather news with!! some of us are not so fortunate!!! xray ted
I was wondering where u were X RAY. CA says hello and that he's gonna kick you in the nuts, did you know?
you tell ca to bring it don't sing it!!!!!!!!! bitches!!!!!!! xray ted
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