In a post by the Turdpolisher, I must agree
trials suck for photographers in LA but they are worst when they continue through the weekend and you have to work it. Just got to play the cards you get.

Time to pack a few essentials for the long day of not much to shoot.

Let's see travel chair... check. Towel ... check.

Something to drink. I have a cooler full of those ... check.

Some good reading material ... check. And on a side note,
Spike if you are seeing this, I read your book and I could only describe in one word, powerful. Very powerful. I could hear you voice while I was reading it. Thank you for sharing it with me and God Bless.

Now with the penalty phase of this trial moving at a snail's pace, I'm going to have to pay the bookstore a visit for some more good stuff to read, did you know?
First of all its La, not LA!!!! And as for the great senator from bourbon street, the Honorable Mr. Drewry, you and senator lard ass should have your political credentials revoked since neither of you have seen inside the pallus palace in years!!!!
My small minded friend. If you check the mail, yes your coloring book counts. States are abbreviated in caps. LA, FL, AL, TX, etc... I hope you weren't thinking of the L.A. in CA. Then again you might not be thinking at all. All far as my time at the palace, everyone from both chambers ask when I'm coming back. They respect the fuzz, did you know?
can I tell those stuck up bastards you'll see them next session?? The LA is only if your mailing something shit for brains!! xray will always be smarter than you, do a little more research, put the wrestling book down a read something you can learn from!!!!
Oh yeah,this from the all american scholar. It is acceptable in that context. You hang around the wrong people in the phallus palace. If you would just stop looking at the pictures you would have seen the other book I read. Guess your attention span is too limited since you are trying to stay in between the lines. I'll give you a gold star when you finish the picture nicely, did you know?
so exactly how long are you two gonna hide behind your words?!
enough talk - let's see something neither one of you has seen in a while ... ACTION!
-The Nubian Princess
NP you are going to have to wait for the PPV's No Holds Barred, No DQ, Last Man Standing Steel Cage match.
Senator Hollins,
Any idea who posted the first two "anonymous" rants? Whoever sent them did not have the decency to sign them (unlike that dear woman of the Fifth Estate, the Nubian Princess).
At first glance I thought it might be Mr. XRayTed, but on further inspection I suspect not. Could somebody be yanking your chain by posing as my fellow Argonaut on your message board?
Senator Drewry
North Rampart District
P.S. By the way, I have been up to our great state's capitol numerous times this year, did you know?
Senator Drewry,
I have it on good authority that the rants in question are that of XRAY TED. He just forgot to place his signature on the post.
I find it troubling that a fine school, like West Florida, could produce such a trouble member of the lower chamber.
Not to worry I'll put him out of his misery in the upcoming PPV Championship match.
Senator Hollins
Government Street District
P.S. The CHAMP is here, did you know?
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