Another Saturday in the Red Stick. It’s game day. Football and tailgating filled the southern sky with anticipation and hopes bigger goals in the future. It’s normally not a must win to those clad in Purple and Gold but after some lackluster efforts and questionable clock management one year ago the calls for blood were screaming across the airwaves. Naturally this becomes something of news interest. Which means yours truly is going to have to pay Death Valley a rare visit.

There is just one problem. The last three times I have been in the vicinity of Tiger Stadium the outcomes were less than desirable. The UGA’s came in and blasted them, the Gators Tebow'd them, and the first time the previous coach, now wearing Crimson, came for a visit and walked away with a win. Leaving the Tiger faithful crying like a brides jilted on their wedding day. Heck I won’t even mention that obsessive Georgia fan’s liking to Mike the Tiger, God knows what twisted things were going through her mind that day. This was going to be different. This was going to be a good day for the Senator and all of the loyal followers. This would be the day that the White Hat will lead the troops on the gridiron then put together a dominate effort against the hated rivals from Oxford and exorcise the curse placed upon them by the Reverend Houston Nutt.

Then I realized that is not going to happen. This is the Mad Hatter. He has a modus operandi of keeping fans on the edge of their seat. He’s been doing this since 2005 should we expect anything else. I mean what’s the big deal it’s just another day at the office for the White Hat. While people claim that he is crazy one thing is usually on point…
HE KEEPS ON WINNING! Quite frankly it baffles the mind of fact, logic, and what in the world is going on here. Granted they aren’t pretty wins but they aren't stacking the loss column either. Anyway I digress.
As I roam the sideline with XRAY TED, my objective is clear. Get a few plays, find some fans talking about the game, then get a live shot on the newscast afterwards. Simple right? Did I mention the Mad Hatter is coaching the team? Did I mention Ole Miss always give LSU problems? Did I mention that the every possible second is used in all these games? Did I mention that failure isn’t an option? Why am I always put under this pressure with these games? Next you'll tell me that I'm the chosen one. Maybe, but so was
Anakin Skywalker and you saw how well that turned out. Whoa, calm down Senator your digressing again. (deep breath) Alright, what was I talking about, oh yeah.
So with some luck, 1:14 on the game clock, and a game winning TD, things fell into place. Manage to get some fans that are now riding a wave of euphoria with hopes of Championship Run, a decent bowl game in January, and a live shot on for the news. Two out of three isn’t bad.

As for me, I’m just glad that losing skid is finally put to rest. Last one of out of Death Valley, please turn off the lights. Won’t need the place again until 2011, did you know?