I have had the privilege of meeting many people during the
decade of legislation however, this is the first time I had to say farewell to someone twice.
Intelligent, beautiful, fun loving, and a good storyteller. Those who know, and have worked with, my west coast gal Cyndi Nguyen can insert a number of good adjectives to describe one of people on the planet and in journalism. It was 2003, when a young caterpillar landed in a north section of the Boot called Monroe, talk about a culture shock. From the sand & surf of Cali to a more conservative structure way of life. I’m sure she had no idea what she was in for however she continued to perfect her craft. Cranking out stories for the local station while waiting patiently for her next step of her career. Soon she played her cards and was able to cash in an opportunity to join the staff of the Big Raggedy. Now she was on her way.

By 2004 that caterpillar had morphed into butterfly ready to handle the challenges of the Raggedy. Her charm and her left coast wit added a new flair to the asylum. Still adjusting to her surroundings, she made new friends who enjoyed making good television while having a good time doing it. Whether it was a
weekend travel story or the time we lost one of our men in blue she did everything she could to make the story memorable. There was never a shortage of love, admiration, and bunch of jokes with her. Fortunately some peeps down in the Big Easy took notice as she was whisked away to break new ground on the anchor desk down there. The folks in that newsroom got a great addition. Bringing the same fire and passion down there despite having to wake up early. I would see her occasionally especially when they were shorted staffed and needed her to dawn the reporter hat. Nothing had changed, same old Cyndi. Always pleasant, always run up to hug, always giving her best in what ever she did. Like I said she played the cards she was handed and she played them nicely.
Fast forward to present day, Big Moo gets a call then hands me the phone it’s Cyndi on the other end. When get to talking for a little while then she asks am I coming to her going away party. I knew she was leaving to head home but this caught me guard. I asked when the party is and she tells me that it was Friday night & that she’s leaving for the left coast the next day. I have to tell her that I worked the night shift, I can tell she’s a little sad but she understands the cards I was dealt. However I play to win.
So after doing a live shot and shooting a couple of high school football games I make my way to the Big Easy. It’s NOLA, no party ends early down there. I find the guest of honor and seeing her smile made the trip worth it. Her bodyguard she dubbed me, I had to protect her from the masses of inebriated while shooting the endless number of tailgating stories. Despite a long workday with a quick turn around I was not going to miss saying farewell.

Cyndi I can’t list the infinite number of adjectives to describe you. Please know this your will forever be my friend and I will never forget all of the good times that we shared while you down here. I wish you nothing but happiness as you write the new chapter of life. Take care and God Bless you, kiddo.